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Türk Dünyası Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi KBRN (NBC) Dergisi
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Aim and Scope
The “Surgical Neuroanatomy” is an international open access journal which belongs to Eskişehir Osmangazi University and publishes clinical and experimental articles, case reports, medical news and summary reports about all fields of medical and health sciences. The main objective of the journal is to work and present every new aspects regarding surgical neuranatomy in both our country and worldwide. It is published on January, May and September by the year 2019. The languages of the journal are English and Turkish.
Scientifitic, Ethical Responsibility and Publication Rights
Authors must submit papers which have never published on another journal. The asessment of papers in peer-review process has to be succesful for publishment.
Authors have to accept that the copyright of published articles belong to “Surgical Neuroanatomy” journal. Author or readers have right to use and share the information or full text pdfs with attribution on scientific platforms without commertial use and any manuplation. The corresponding author has to fill and sign the copyright release form with the submission of manuscript. The copyright release form can be downloaded here.
The responsibility of the authenticity and trueness of all the informations in the articles and papers are belong to author(s).
Visitors can easily reach the full text PDFs and their metadata free of charge and without any registration.
Paper Submission and The Assesment
Authors have to register via "kayıt/register" button and submit their papers. All these processes and publishing the paper on the journal if accepted are free of charge.
The peer review process goes with double blind method and the submitted papers are sent to two reviewers who do not recognize each other. If there is a disagreement on the decision about the avability of publishment, editors define another reviewer (3rd). If reviewer(s) decision occurs as “can be published after revision, correction or update”, the suggestions of reviewer(s) are delivered to corresponding author.
Authors can reach more detailed information via “FOR AUTHORS” link
İletişim/ Contact
Editör/ Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Ayhan Cömert
e-posta/ email : comertayhan@yahoo.com
Tel: +90312 5958250 +905358467218
Adres: “Surgical Neuroanatomy”,
Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Anatomi Anabilim Dalı, Ankara/ Türkiye
Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy, Morphology Building 06100 Sihhiye Ankara / Turkey
Editör Sekreteri/Secretary: Zekeriya Yıldırım
Türk Dünyası Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi “Surgical Neuroanatomy” - ESTUDAM Cerrahi Nöroanatomi Dergisi Osmangazi Üniversitesi , 26480 Eskişehir, Türkiye
Tel: +90 222 239 29 79 / 4499
e-posta: zekeriya@ogu.edu.tr
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